Table of Contents

ArmA 3 Terrain

ArmA 3 Terrain Editing

ArmA 3 Tools page lists many terrain tools with valuable information, for example Terrain Builder.

Beginner Tutorials

ArmA 3 Ultimate Terrain Tutorial by PMC

The Atlas tutorial by Jakerod


layers.cfg, Satellite Mask Image, clutter, cfgSurfaceCharacters, cfgsurfaces


v1.60 visual upgrade lighting config and how to fix it for user made terrains.

Config.cpp example config ready to copy paste, also detailed explanation on values.

Dummy config for class cfgWorlds so in-game map view (M) vegetation foliage blob shows up after binarization.

Enoch Config mostly new or whats changed.

Real World Data

First ever step by step and comprehensive ArmA 3 Terrain Real World Data Tutorial

UTM Projection real world and ArmA 3.

Finding Location On Globe and Choose Terrain Area

Heightmap Real World Data

Satellite texture Terra Incognita

Road Shapefiles Real World Data and OpenStreetMap Areas for Object Placement.

QGIS real world data and QGIS real world data tutorial by Ross.

Real World Data Acquisition Using Global Mapper

QGIS Reproject & Transform Tutorial by DigitalCenturion

Real World Data Location / Place Names

Not usable but just in case you have it Universal Maps Downloader.

Latitude / Longitude and Global Mapper Latitude/Longitude Config tutorial.

Global Mapper Ocean SRTM Depth, Seabed Ocean Bottom Heightmap tutorial by Ice.

Terrain into Google My Maps

Global Mapper Image to Shape

PGW World File for satellite tile alignment.


Misc Page, stuff that we haven't found better place yet

Tribute to Bushlurker 1960 - 2017. Terrain community has lost one of its greatest. Rest in peace.

List of Vegetation objects and small descriptions

Buldozer Cursor | Clutter, Buldozer and You by Pennyworth

Convert Layers PNG Fast how to convert satellite texture/mask very quickly.

ArmA 3 large terrain limits

Grid and Cell Sizes what size is your terrain? How to describe it on forums / chats? What size are official bis terrains?

L3DT (root page) and L3DT (arma3) great terrain heightmap and satellite texture / mask generator.

Satellite Image Resolution Size Explained

Multiple Mapframes

Materials Per Cell

Environmental Sounds Tanoa audio tech.

Terrain Builder Template Libraries

Terrain Processor Templates

Water Color how deep your ocean have to be in order it to be “dark blue” etc and Heightmap Editing Water Depths. Suggested Ocean Satellite Texture.

Error: Too Many Virtual Blocks Requested

Road Shape Mapview Size

Heightmap Editing Tools

Heightmap Terrain Builder and Wilbur

HOWTO Create Normal Map (NOPX) from Ground Detail Texture (GDT) and Heightmap Normal Map Info

Terrain Specifications

Buldozer Loading Time

Ground Detail Texture, MCO uvTransform

RoadsLib.cfg from altis, malden, stratis and tanoa.

Changing Skybox by Jujurat

Terrain Layers RVMAT Crash

Object Placement

Object Placement Tools overview. Eden, Map Builder, Terrain Builder and X-Cam. Beginner Eden Editor Object Placement Tutorial

Sflora object generator from mask image.

Terrain Tutorials

Terrain Builder Mini Tutorial from 2013

Using Inbuilt 3D-Editor For Terrain Making by ZeroG

Road Painting in Global Mapper by ZeroG

Road Shape File Making Guide by m1lkm8n

Making Roads in Terrain Builder by granQ

Road Painting and Concrete Surface Tutorial by Bushlurker

Import satellite in smaller tiles instead of one huge monster image.

WRP PEW Import Tutorial by Lappihuan

Separate Data Layers for smaller PBOs

Satellite Texture to Mask Tutorial by Opteryx

User Interface

Terrain related User Interface info

Remove Terrain Loading Texts