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ArmA 3 Scripting

ArmA 3 Forum, ArmA 3, Config, Missions, 3D Modeling, Scripting, Terrain, Texturing, Tools

Important! if you try to test your mission in editor and ArmA 3 will give error that script not found, this is because devs in their wisdom added requirement for “-filePatching” startup parameter. If you are not using this parameter then you cannot use scripts in your mission directory (scripts still work in a PBO), add the parameter and then your mission dir scripts work fine again. Sigh. Tested on ArmA 3 v1.66.139586

Add Weapon Attachment
Create Random CfgGroups
Debug Teleport
disableAI All EAST Units
Find All Meadows
Kill All EAST Units
Return All EAST Groups
UAV Drone Terminal
Virtual Artillery
Player knowsAbout All EAST In Area
Set Players Group To Position
Support Module Supply Drop

arma3/scripting.txt · Last modified: 2024-07-25 07:14 by snakeman