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Table of Contents
ArmA 2 Terrain
This is ArmA 2 Terrain Editing Tutorials.
You can still use the 1 texture WrpTool method familiar from ArmA terrain. More up to date details from our forum topic: ArmA 2 WRP editing.
Terrain Extruded
Mountains / Skybox remove
Terrain Resolution
Terrain Resolution in Visitor 3 how to edit your terrain in 1m, 50 and 10 centimeter resolution.
Terrain select image
Ideas for Mod.cpp Logo Image
Terrain name string length for user interface like mission editor menu.
BIS Terrain Analysis
Check BIS terrain analysis
Ladders not working
ArmA vs ArmA 2 terrain configs
The differences between ArmA and ArmA 2 terrain configs.
ArmA 2 OA objects in Visitor 3
How to get Operation Arrowhead objects into Visitor 3.
ArmA WRP to ArmA 2 quick tutorial
ArmA WRP to ArmA 2 quick tutorial.
Road selection error
If you get road selection error in RPT, check out road selection error page.
Class Names
Location Class Names.
Ambient Modules for custom terrains
Class Names is used to configure Ambient modules to your custom terrain.
Using L3DT
Thoughts for using L3DT to make WRP terrains.
Add <any WRP> objects to Visitor 3
How to add chernarus, takistani etc objects from WRP files into your Visitor 3 project automatically? Read WRP to PEW tutorial.
ArmA 2 Terrain Tutorials
ZGM ArmA 2 Terrain tutorial part 1 is about using DEM data, World Tools and Global Mapper.
Allie terrain tutorial: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 and part 6.
ArmA 2 Terrain Tutorial aka Sgt. Ace's terrain tutorial.
Summary of How Tupolov created Qom Province terrain.
ArmA 2 Mini Terrain Tutorial
DEM terrain misc info.
Terrain Design in generic terms.
ArmA missing objects in ArmA 2
Large terrain errors
Large terrain errors or problems that we know of so far.
How To Convert Layers\*.png Fast, faster than buldozer for sure.
Satellite Texture Merge, if you ever had to stitch your imported (and chopped up) satellite texture / mask back together from the Layers\ directory.
BIS Layers.cfg for default BIS terrain ground textures.
Height Map Details
Generic issues of how to increase the Height Map Details (Visitor 3 Grid size).
Visitor 3 Roads to Satellite Texture
How to get Visitor 3 Roads To Satellite Texture using obviously Visitor 3 and Photoshop.
ArmA 2 3D Editor and World Tools
You can use ArmA 2 build in 3D Editor to place objects and then convert them using World Tools into Visitor 3 readable format.
Error too many objects in grid 1023,1023
What does error message “too many objects in grid 1023,1023” mean? Read Error Too Many Objects In Grid 1023,1023 page for help.
Custom Keypoints / CfgLocationTypes
How to add Custom Keypoints and CfgLocationTypes Tutorial by Bushlurker.
Visitor 3 Base Texture Layer Size
In Visitor 3 terrain projects you must double the base texture layer size in order your terrain to work OK.