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ArmA 2 Configs In general

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Configs in general

Basic Config File


no two same class names in one file. no two same attributes in one class.

class name { attribute = value; };

the attribute array class name{ attribute = value; attributeArray[] = {value1,value2,value3}; };


powerful tool, less typing, easier to maintain

adding attributes class parentClass; class childClass : parentClass { additionalAttribute = value; };

overwriting values from parent class class parentClass { parentAttribute = value; }; class childClass : parentClass { parentAttribute = newValue; };


Line Comment

// This is a comment
notCommentedAttribute = notCommentedValue; // commented
// commentedAttribute = commentedValue

Block Comment

/* This is a comment block
and it works over multiple lines
until its over
notCommentedAttribute = /* commentedValue */ notCommentedValue;


You should always use C++ indentation so your code looks nice, use 8 character TABs on new classes and so on.

Preprocessor Commands



#define variableName value

Usage: #define BASE_COLOR {0,0,0,0}; class button { backgroundColor = BASE_COLOR; };



#include "path\to\file.hpp";

Example Config

class cfgPatches
	class PBONAME
		requiredVersion = 1.0; // requires ArmA2 version 1.0
class cfgVehicles
	class SoldierWB; // a basic soldier class in ArmA
	class someNewSoldier : SoldierWB
		displayName = "Rambo";
arma2/config/configs_general.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/01 17:01 by snakeman

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