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ArmA 2 Sqm

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Sqm by sbsmac

Sqm is a command-line tool to allow batch-processing of mission.sqm files. It can also process mission.sqm files that are packed inside pbo files.

Basic capabilities

  • Search for and list classes within an sqm that contain a particular property
  • extract an sqm from a pbo
  • Search for and remove classes that contain a particular property
  • Replace all instances of a property by another value
  • Merge items or classes from another sqm or text file

Download ← unfortunately the download link is dead there :(

Here is the .exe only from our own tools dir, not official sbsmac release: Sbs.Mac.Tools.SQM.v1.0.exe.and.Mac.Arma.FileFormats.DLL.7z from OFP-ArmA.Tools.2024-03-19/ Torrent Magnet:


Warning - this tool is for advanced users only !

Sqm is a command-line tool to allow batch-processing of mission.sqm files. It can also process mission.sqm files that are packed inside pbo files.

Latest Build date: 24/08/2010 11:26:52

Basic capabilities

  • Search for and list classes within an sqm that contain a particular property
  • extract an sqm from a pbo
  • Search for and remove classes that contain a particular property
  • Replace all instances of a property by another value
  • Merge items or classes from another sqm or text file

Command reference

sqm filename command params outputspecifier outputparams

Where: filename refers to a .sqm or .pbo file. If the input is a .pbo file, the packed mission.sqm inside it is used for input. If filename is the character '-' then the input is read from stdin. This can be useful when chaining sqm operations.

command params can be one of

-? : Prints version info and directs your browser to this page
-e : Echoes the contents of the sqm file
-lc name pattern : Lists all classes (with contents) which contain a property called name and whose value matches the search pattern. The search is case-insensitive and can contain wildcards. Eg '-lc vehicle *soldier* will return all soldier units.  If pattern is omitted, then name is is treated as a configpath and the class at that path is listed.
-rc name pattern : Matches classes like -lc and then removes them from the sqm.
-ec name pattern : Matches classes like -rc but empties rather than removes them.
-s name pattern replacement :  Replaces all properties called name that match the search pattern with replacement
-aps name pattern property value : Searches for all classes that have a property called name  which matches pattern and then adds a new string property with the name property and the value value.
-mm filename : Merges the classes found in filename with the contents of the sqm file.  Any 'bare' classes are assumed to be markers.
-ms filename : Like -mm except that bare classes are assumed to be sensors
-mv filename : Like -mm except that bare classes are assumed to be vehicles
-mg filename : Like -mm except that bare classes are assumed to be groups or units
not present : The default command is '-e'.

output outputparams can be one of

-o filename : writes the result of the command to a file called filename
-wb : Writes the result of the command back to the source file.
not present : If no output is specified, the result is written to stdout


sqm example.utes.pbo

Prints the contents of the mission.sqm file inside example.utes.pbo to the console.

sqm example.utes.pbo -rc name respawn* -wb

Removes all respawn markers from the mission

sqm example.utes.pbo  -lc vehicle civilian* -o civs.txt
sqm example.utes.pbo -mg civs.txt -wb

The first comand creates a new file containing a list of units based on a civilian model. The second command merges this back to the original mission.sqm file. The end result is that the mission ends up with twice as many civilian units.

sqm mission.sqm -s vehicle soldier* insurgent -o mission2.sqm

Changes all soldier units to 'insurgent' and writes the result to mission2.sqm

Useful recipes, Ensure that all units in a mission are playable

sqm mission.sqm -lc "Mission>>Groups" | sqm - -aps vehicle * player "PLAY CDG" > u
sqm mission.sqm -ec "Mission>>Groups" | sqm - -mg u -o mission.sqm


On 2021-08-18 tested sqm.exe tool but unfortunately it crashes when used on windows 8.1 on ArmA 3 mission.sqm files :(

Have not tested it under windows 10, or actually under windows 7 either in “recent years”.

Actually today ArmA 2/3 community most likely have some other tool that can do such mission.sqm command line editing, if you know one please post a topic to ArmA 2 Forum.

arma2/tools/sbsmac_sqm.txt · Last modified: 2024-07-07 17:39 by snakeman