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ArmA 3 Buldozer

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Buldozer (which is arma3_x64.exe) requires steam client to run.

<steamPath>\steamapps\common\Arma 3\arma3_x64.exe is your buldozer. Replace <SteamPath> with the full path to your Steam directory or to the steam library you installed arma3.

2018-05-29 Warning: for some reason Object Builder requires 32bit buldozer which is arma3.exe, if you try to run it as we described above you'll get a crash. Terrain Builder works fine with 64bit, Object Builder doesn't.

Object Builder, use File → Options and configure external viewer there like this:

-buldozer -window -noLand -exThreads=0 -mod= -noAsserts -nologs -profiles=P:\Buldozer -cfg=P:\Buldozer\Buldozer.cfg -name=Buldozer

Terrain Builder, use Tools → Preferences → Buldozer and configure .exe file path:

-buldozer -window -exThreads=0 -mod= -noAsserts -nologs -profiles=P:\Buldozer -cfg=P:\Buldozer\Buldozer.cfg -name=Buldozer

Please note that Object Builder has -noLand parameter while Terrain Builder does not.

To close buldozer, simply kill it with ALT-F4. Buldozer Controls Keyboard Shortcuts related to terrain editing used with Terrain Builder.

See how to change Buldozer Cursor when working with terrain builder.

ArmA 3 Modeling Buldozer Lighting by HorribleGoat.

arma3/tools/buldozer.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/03 11:11 by snakeman

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