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Here is excellent way to extract Class Names and the class descriptions from config.cpp using SQF script and RPT log.
private["_getClassList"]; _getClassList = { private["_type", "_name", "_cfg", "_n", "_class"]; _type = _this select 0; _name = _this select 1; diag_log ""; diag_log ""; diag_log format["**ArmA 2 Combined Operations - %1**", _type]; diag_log ""; diag_log "^ Class Name ^ Name ^"; _cfg = configFile >> _type; _n = 0; for "_i" from 0 to count _cfg - 1 do { _class = _cfg select _i; if (isClass _class) then { _n = _n + 1; diag_log format ["| %1 | %2 |", configName _class, getText (_class >> _name)]; }; }; }; ["CfgMusic", "name"] call _getClassList; ["CfgWeapons", "displayName"] call _getClassList; ["CfgVehicles", "displayName"] call _getClassList;
Then just open RPT and clean out “ character's and you are ready to drop in the data into dokuwiki.