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ArmA 3 Terrain Satellite Mask Files Backup

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This info relates to my ArmA 3 satellite mask images which are in raw BMP image file format and file names (prefixes I guess) are “Sat_Mask_”. This also uses for UTC timestamping my own _run_date_time.bat file in specific dir, not included here, post to PMC Tactical Forum if you want to see this batch file.

Backup Sat_Mask_*.bmp files.


Satellite mask images are BMP and they are usually huge, however they are very low in COLORS so they will 7-Zip compress to incredibly small size. For example if you have a large PNG file that is all but useless to be packed with 7-zip, it doesn't go any smaller size same as almost raw format BMP image does.

You don't need to delete Sat_Mask_*.* files, just 7-zip store them. For example 19gb of Sat_Mask_*.bmp 81,920 resolution satellite mask tile images compressed to mere 2.89mb, yes two point eight nine megabytes.


@echo off
call d:\backups\_run_date_time.bat
7za a -mx=9 _Backup_Sat_Mask_%PMCUTC%.7z Sat_Mask_*
arma3/terrain/satellite-mask-files-backup.txt · Last modified: 2024-07-26 05:24 by snakeman

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