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ArmA 1 Visitor 3 ComRef

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ArmA 1 aka Armed Assault (ArmA)

Visitor Command Reference (comref)


[“u:getterrainsize Document”]

[“u:deselectobjects Document”]

[“b:ARRAY selectindoc Document”,“b:PosEdObject selectindoc Document”,“b:AreaObject selectindoc Document”]

[“u:getselectedposedobjects Document”]

[“u:getselectednets Document”]

[“u:getselectedarea Document”]

[“b:PosEdObject lock BOOL”,“b:Net lock BOOL”]

[“b:AreaObject lockvertices BOOL”,“b:Document lockvertices ARRAY”]

[“b:AreaObject locktextures BOOL”]

[“b:Document getverticesunder AreaObject”,“u:getverticesunder PosEdObject”,“u:getverticesunder Net”]

[“b:ARRAY setverticesto Document”]

[“b:Document getlandheight ARRAY”]

[“b:Object Template,Matrix transform ARRAY”]

[“b:PosEdObject doesintersect Net”,“u:doesintersect PosEdObject”]


[“b:Document getobjecttemplates STRING”] - STRING = “natural” | “artificial” | “net”

[“u:getartificialobjecttemplates Document”]

[“u:getnatureobjecttemplates Document”]

[“b:Document getobjectswithtemplate STRING”]

[“u:getmodelfile Object Template,Matrix”]

[“b:Object Template,Matrix setmodelfile STRING”]

[“u:getname Object Template,Matrix”,“u:getname Texture Template”]

[“b:Object Template,Matrix setname STRING”]


[“b:Document createposedobject STRING”]

[“u:delete PosEdObject”]

[“b:PosEdObject setrelheight SCALAR”]

[“u:getrelheight PosEdObject”]

[“u:getzeropos PosEdObject”]

[“u:getposedobjectcount Document”]

[“b:Document getposedobject SCALAR”]

[“u:isposedobjectiter Document”]

[“u:nextposedobjectiter Document”]

[“u:resetposedobjectiter Document”]

[“u:getposedobjectiter Document”]


[“u:getnetcount Document”]

[“b:Document getnet SCALAR”]

[“u:getwalkpoints Net”]

[“b:Net advancewalkpoint ARRAY”]

[“u:isnetiter Document”]

[“u:nextnetiter Document”]

[“u:resetnetiter Document”]

[“u:getnetiter Document”]


[“b:ARRAY ispointatarea AreaObject”]

[“u:reset AreaObject”]

[“u:newarea Document”]

[“u:getboundingrect AreaObject”]


[“b:Document getprimtexture ARRAY”]

[“b:Document getbasetexture ARRAY”]

[“b:Document getlandtexture ARRAY”]

[“u:getterrainname Texture Template”]

[“u:getsurfacename Texture Template”]

[“u:getbimpassfilename Texture Template”]

[“u:getrvmatfilename Texture Template”]

[“u:gettexturefilename Texture Template”]

List of Scripting Commands

Command Description
“t:SCALAR”, t:BOOL“, “t:ARRAY”, “t:STRING”, “t:NOTHING”, “t:IF”, “t:WHILE”, “t:FOR”, “t:SWITCH”, “t:EXCEPTION”, “t:Document”, “t:PosEdObject”, “t:AreaObject”, “t:Net”, “t:Object Template”, “t:Texture Template”, “t:IOStream”, “t:Matrix”
-= “b:AreaObject -= ARRAY”
! “u:! BOOL”, “u:! IOStream”
* “b:SCALAR * SCALAR”, “b:Object Template,Matrix * Object Template,Matrix”, “b:ARRAY * SCALAR”, “b:SCALAR * ARRAY”
&& “b:BOOL && BOOL”
++ “b:ARRAY ++ ARRAY”
+= “b:AreaObject += ARRAY”
« “b:IOStream « STRING”
~ “u:~ SCALAR”
abs “u:abs SCALAR”
acos “u:acos SCALAR”
advancewalkpoint “b:Net advancewalkpoint ARRAY”
and “b:BOOL and BOOL”
angle “b:ARRAY angle ARRAY”
asc “u:asc STRING”
asin “u:asin SCALAR”
assert “u:assert BOOL”
atan “u:atan SCALAR”
atan2 “b:SCALAR atan2 SCALAR”
atg “u:atg SCALAR”
backupfile “u:backupfile STRING”
breakout “u:breakout STRING”
breakto “u:breakto STRING”
call “b:ANY call STRING”, “u:call STRING”
case “u:case ANY”
catch “b:EXCEPTION catch STRING”
ceil “u:ceil SCALAR”
cesc “u:cesc STRING”
chr “u:chr SCALAR”
comment “u:comment STRING”
compile “u:compile STRING”
copyfileto “b:STRING copyfileto STRING”
cos “u:cos SCALAR”
cosangle “b:ARRAY cosangle ARRAY”
count “b:STRING count ARRAY”, “u:count ARRAY”, “u:count STRING”
createfolder “u:createfolder STRING”
createfolderex “u:createfolderex STRING”
createposedobject “b:Document createposedobject STRING”
default “u:default STRING”
deg “u:deg SCALAR”
delay “u:delay SCALAR”
deletefile “u:deletefile STRING”
deselectobjects “u:deselectobjects Document”
determinant “u:determinant ARRAY”
dialogbox “u:dialogbox ARRAY”
distancefrom “b:ARRAY distancefrom ARRAY”
dlgclose “u:dlgclose SCALAR”
dlgenablecontrol “b:SCALAR dlgenablecontrol BOOL”
dlggetcontrols “u:dlggetcontrols STRING”
dlggetdialogrect “n:dlggetdialogrect”
dlggetscreenrect “n:dlggetscreenrect”
dlgmaprect “u:dlgmaprect ARRAY”
dlgmove “u:dlgmove ARRAY”
dlgsetfocus “u:dlgsetfocus SCALAR”
dlgsize “u:dlgsize ARRAY”
dlgstopallevents “n:dlgstopallevents”
dlgstopevent “n:dlgstopevent”
dlgsync “u:dlgsync STRING”
dlgunlockparent “n:dlgunlockparent”
dlgupdate “u:dlgupdate STRING”
dlgupdatelist “b:STRING dlgupdatelist ARRAY”
dlgupdatemclist “b:STRING dlgupdatemclist ARRAY”
dlgvisiblecontrol “b:SCALAR dlgvisiblecontrol BOOL”
dlgwaitcursor “n:dlgwaitcursor”
dlgyield “n:dlgyield”
doesintersect “b:PosEdObject doesintersect Net”, “u:doesintersect PosEdObject”
eatws “u:eatws IOStream”
eatwseol “u:eatwseol IOStream”
echo “u:echo STRING”
else “b:STRING else STRING”
eof “u:eof IOStream”
eoln “n:eoln”
exitwith “b:IF exitwith STRING”
exp “u:exp SCALAR”
explorefor “b:IOStream explorefor STRING”
false “n:false”
fastload “b:Document fastload STRING”, “u:fastload Document”
filesize “u:filesize IOStream”
find “b:ARRAY find ANY”, “b:STRING find STRING”
findi “b:STRING findi STRING”
finite “u:finite SCALAR”
floor “u:floor SCALAR”
for “u:for STRING”, “u:for ARRAY”
foreach “b:STRING foreach ARRAY”
from “b:FOR from SCALAR”
fromhex “u:fromhex STRING”
get “b:IOStream get SCALAR”
getactivedoc “n:getactivedoc”
getartificialobjecttemplates “u:getartificialobjecttemplates Document”
getbasetexture “b:Document getbasetexture ARRAY”
getbimpassfilename “u:getbimpassfilename Texture Template”
getboundingrect “u:getboundingrect AreaObject”
getbuffer “u:getbuffer IOStream”
getcd “n:getcd”
getdir “u:getdir PosEdObject”, “u:getdir Net”
getfilename “u:getfilename Document”
getlandheight “b:Document getlandheight ARRAY”
getlandtexture “b:Document getlandtexture ARRAY”
getline “u:getline IOStream”
getmodelfile “u:getmodelfile Object Template,Matrix”
getname “u:getname Object Template,Matrix”, “u:getname Texture Template”
getnatureobjecttemplates “u:getnatureobjecttemplates Document”
getnet “b:Document getnet SCALAR”
getnetcount “u:getnetcount Document”
getnetiter “u:getnetiter Document”
getobjectsin “b:Document getobjectsin AreaObject”
getobjectswithtemplate “b:Document getobjectswithtemplate STRING”
getobjecttemplates “b:Document getobjecttemplates STRING”
getpos “u:getpos PosEdObject”, “u:getpos Net”
getposedobject “b:Document getposedobject SCALAR”
getposedobjectcount “u:getposedobjectcount Document”
getposedobjectiter “u:getposedobjectiter Document”
getprimtexture “b:Document getprimtexture ARRAY”
getrelheight “u:getrelheight PosEdObject”
getrvmatfilename “u:getrvmatfilename Texture Template”
getselectedarea “u:getselectedarea Document”
getselectednets “u:getselectednets Document”
getselectedposedobjects “u:getselectedposedobjects Document”
getsurfacename “u:getsurfacename Texture Template”
gettemplatename “u:gettemplatename PosEdObject”
getterrainname “u:getterrainname Texture Template”
getterrainsize “u:getterrainsize Document”
gettexturefilename “u:gettexturefilename Texture Template”
getverticesunder “b:Document getverticesunder AreaObject”, “u:getverticesunder PosEdObject”, “u:getverticesunder Net”
getwalkpoints “u:getwalkpoints Net”
getwaterheight “b:Document getwaterheight ARRAY”
getxmltag “u:getxmltag IOStream”
getzeropos “u:getzeropos PosEdObject”
halt “n:halt”
homefolder “n:homefolder”
hostingapp “n:hostingapp”
if “u:if BOOL”
ignore “b:IOStream ignore SCALAR”
in “b:ANY in ARRAY”
inform “b:SCALAR inform STRING”, “b:STRING inform STRING”
isnetiter “u:isnetiter Document”
isnil “u:isnil STRING”
ispointatarea “b:ARRAY ispointatarea AreaObject”
isposedobjectiter “u:isposedobjectiter Document”
iswaterat “b:Document iswaterat ARRAY”
ln “u:ln SCALAR”
load “b:Document load STRING”, “u:load Document”
lock “b:PosEdObject lock BOOL”, “b:Net lock BOOL”
locktextures “b:AreaObject locktextures BOOL”
lockvertices “b:AreaObject lockvertices BOOL”, “b:Document lockvertices ARRAY”
log “u:log SCALAR”
max “b:SCALAR max SCALAR”
messagebox “u:messagebox ARRAY”
min “b:SCALAR min SCALAR”
mod “b:SCALAR mod SCALAR”
mxcalculatehierarchy “b:ARRAY mxcalculatehierarchy ARRAY”
mxget “u:mxget Object Template,Matrix”
mxinterpolate “b:ARRAY mxinterpolate SCALAR”
mxinverse “u:mxinverse Object Template,Matrix”
mxload “u:mxload ARRAY”
mxloaddiraside “u:mxloaddiraside ARRAY”
mxloaddirup “u:mxloaddirup ARRAY”
mxloadupaside “u:mxloadupaside ARRAY”
mxloadupdir “u:mxloadupdir ARRAY”
mxmove “u:mxmove ARRAY”
mxpivot “u:mxpivot ARRAY”
mxpivotrotate “b:ARRAY mxpivotrotate ARRAY”
mxpivotscale “b:ARRAY mxpivotscale ARRAY”, “b:ARRAY mxpivotscale SCALAR”
mxpop “u:mxpop ARRAY”
mxpush “b:ARRAY mxpush Object Template,Matrix”
mxrotate “u:mxrotate ARRAY”
mxscale “u:mxscale ARRAY”, “u:mxscale SCALAR”
mxtop “u:mxtop ARRAY”
mxunpivot “u:mxunpivot ARRAY”
newarea “u:newarea Document”
nextnetiter “u:nextnetiter Document”
nextposedobjectiter “u:nextposedobjectiter Document”
nil “n:nil”
not “u:not BOOL”
openerrorio “n:openerrorio”
openfile “u:openfile ARRAY”
openhybridstream “u:openhybridstream ARRAY”
openmemorystream “u:openmemorystream STRING”
opennetworkserver “u:opennetworkserver ARRAY”
opennetworkstream “u:opennetworkstream ARRAY”
openstandardio “n:openstandardio”
or “b:BOOL or BOOL”
parsenumber “u:parsenumber STRING”
pi “n:pi”
private “u:private”
rad “u:rad SCALAR”
random “u:random SCALAR”
renamefileto “b:STRING renamefileto STRING”
reset “u:reset AreaObject”
resetnetiter “u:resetnetiter Document”
resetposedobjectiter “u:resetposedobjectiter Document”
resize “b:ARRAY resize SCALAR”
round “u:round SCALAR”
save “b:Document save STRING”, “u:save Document”
scopename “u:scopename STRING”
seekinput “b:IOStream seekinput SCALAR”
seekoutput “b:IOStream seekoutput SCALAR”
select “b:ARRAY select SCALAR”, “b:ARRAY select BOOL”
selectindoc “b:ARRAY selectindoc Document”, “b:PosEdObject selectindoc Document”, “b:AreaObject selectindoc Document”
set “b:ARRAY set ARRAY”
setcd “u:setcd STRING”
setdir “b:PosEdObject setdir SCALAR”, “b:Net setdir SCALAR”
setfilename “b:Document setfilename STRING”
setmodelfile “b:Object Template,Matrix setmodelfile STRING”
setname “b:Object Template,Matrix setname STRING”
setpos “b:PosEdObject setpos ARRAY”, “b:Net setpos ARRAY”
setrelheight “b:PosEdObject setrelheight SCALAR”
settimer “u:settimer ARRAY”
setverticesto “b:ARRAY setverticesto Document”
shell “b:STRING shell STRING”
shellcmd “u:shellcmd STRING”
shellcmdnowait “u:shellcmdnowait STRING”
shellcmdopenpipe “u:shellcmdopenpipe STRING”
showconsole “u:showconsole BOOL”
sin “u:sin SCALAR”
skipuntil “b:IOStream skipuntil STRING”
solveequation “b:ARRAY solveequation ARRAY”
sortby “b:ARRAY sortby STRING”, “b:ARRAY sortby STRING”
splitpath “u:splitpath STRING”
sqrt “u:sqrt SCALAR”
step “b:FOR step SCALAR”
str “u:str ANY”
strcmp “b:STRING strcmp STRING”, “b:STRING strcmp STRING”
supportinfo “u:supportinfo STRING”
switch “u:switch ANY”
tan “u:tan SCALAR”
tellinput “u:tellinput IOStream”
tellouput “u:tellouput IOStream”
testidentifier “u:testidentifier IOStream”
testnumber “u:testnumber IOStream”
testnumberint “u:testnumberint IOStream”
testxmltag “b:IOStream testxmltag STRING”
tg “u:tg SCALAR”
then “b:IF then STRING”, “b:IF then ARRAY”
throw “u:throw ANY”
to “b:FOR to SCALAR”
tohex “u:tohex SCALAR”
tolower “u:tolower STRING”
toupper “u:toupper STRING”
transform “b:Object Template,Matrix transform ARRAY”
transformfast “b:Object Template,Matrix transformfast ARRAY”
true “n:true”
try “u:try STRING”
typename “u:typename ANY”
unsettimer “u:unsettimer STRING”
val “u:val STRING”
vectorsize “u:vectorsize ARRAY”
waituntil “u:waituntil STRING”
while “u:while STRING”


This list was found on Master85's sandbox.

arma/terrain/visitor3_comref.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/01 13:06 by snakeman

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