
Roller OFP island to ArmA terrain converter by Spooner

Roller is a community made software developed by Spooner to convert and process OFP and ArmA island files.

Its primary purpose is to convert OFP islands to ArmA for the ACE Island Pack, but it can also do some processing that could be useful to people making new ArmA islands.

Formats that can be imported

Formats that can be exported

Additional features

Released at Dev Heaven

Please directly request bug fixes and suggest features at the new Dev Heaven site. We won't ignore posts in other forums, but you'd help us a lot (i.e. helping us get more done!) by wandering over to Dev Heaven, which is a great place to both develop and host your ArmA work!


Project manager: kyu
Ruby developer: Spooner
Configuration: the_f
Testing: kyu, the_f and looz
Roller image: Pufu

Details of 4WVR and 8WVR file formats: Mikero, Snake Man, Sy & T_D (Not members of the Roller team, but people who indirectly helped us by documenting BIS file formats).


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PMC Tactical forum topic.