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ArmA 1 Static Object Animations

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ArmA 1 aka Armed Assault (ArmA)

Static Object Animations

Here is guide to show you how to animate static objects which are placed on the WRP terrains or are available in mission editor as objects.

Usually these objects are buildings which has doors that players can open and close.



	class Default;
	class VTE_house: Default
		skeletonInherit = "Default";
		skeletonBones[] =
			"VTE_cpdoor1", ""


	class VTE_cmdpost: Default
		skeletonName = "VTE_house";
		class animations
			class vte_cmdpostdoor1: Rotation
				selection = "vte_cpdoor1";
				axis = "vte_cpdoor1_axis";
				angle1 = 1.8;


		animated = true;
		class AnimationSources
			class Opencmdpostdoor1
				animPeriod = 1;
			class Closecmdpostdoor1: Opencmdpostdoor1{};
		class UserActions
			class Opencmdpostdoor1
				displayName = "open door";
				position = "vte_cpdoor1_pos";
				radius = 2.5;
				OnlyForPlayer = true;
				condition = "this animationPhase ""vte_cmdpostdoor1"" < 0.5";
				statement = "this animate [""vte_cmdpostdoor1"", 1];";
			class Closecmdpostdoor1: Opencmdpostdoor1
				displayName = "close door";
				condition = "this animationPhase ""vte_cmdpostdoor1"" >= 0.5";
				statement = "this animate [""vte_cmdpostdoor1"", 0];";