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ArmA 1 aka Armed Assault (ArmA)

ArmA mission editing topics that don't have specific home page yet, we just pile them up here until we organize them properly, sorry :)

Units Playabe in Multiplayer

How to make many units/vehicles playable in multiplayer?

Well you usually do this in mission editor by double clicking the unit/vehicle, then choosing Control → Playable, however if you have alot of units this can be tedious task. So what you can do is to open mission.sqm in EditPadPro and search for the units you want to be playbe, lets say they are as following:

				class Item1

Now you must place one line there to make this unit playable in MP, this line is called player=“PLAY CDG”; and here is the example how I wrote/copy pasted the line into the class Item1:

				class Item1
					player="PLAY CDG";

Very easy. After you have added the lines to all units and saved mission.sqm file, then re-load it in ArmA mission editor and you have all the edited units playable.


How to move units into multiple doorguns?

If you have vehicles (for example BIS UH60MG) which have multiple doorguns, you cannot simply use “unit moveInGunner helo;” command to move in gunners. You need to use moveInTurret command. See this example:

unit1 moveInTurret [helo1,[0]];
unit2 moveInTurret [helo1,[1]];

Would move unit1 into the first and unit2 into the second doorgun.