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ArmA 1 aka Armed Assault (ArmA)
These are the ArmA eventhandlers (EH).
As opposed to OFP EHs, in ArmA a respawned unit still has the EHs it had before, so it is no longer required to re-add EHs after respawning.
Trigerred everytime a new animation is started.
Unknown MP behaviour. Probably local.
Passed array: [unit, anim]
Trigerred everytime an animation is finished.
Unknown MP behaviour. Probably local.
Passed array: [unit, anim]
Triggered when the unit is damaged. In ArmA works with all vehicles not only men like in OFP.
(If simultaneous damage occured (e.g. via grenade) EH might be triggered several times.)
Passed array: [unit, selectionName, damage]
Triggered when the engine of the unit is turned on/off.
There is a bug in MP: On clients where the vehicle is not local, engineState
is always false, so you should use the following instead.
_vehicle addEventHandler ["engine", {[_this select 0, isEngineOn (_this select 0)] exec "myScript.sqs"}];
Passed array: [unit, engineState]
Triggered when the unit fires a weapon.
Passed array: [unit, weapon, muzzle, mode, ammo]
Triggered when the unit's fuel status changes between completely empty / not empty (only useful when the object the event handler is assigned to is a vehicle).
Passed array: [unit, fuelState]
Triggered when the unit lowers/retracts the landing gear (only useful when the object the event handler is assigned to is a member of the class “Plane”).
Passed array: [unit, gearState]
Triggered when a unit enters the object (only useful when the object the event handler is assigned to is a vehicle). It does not trigger upon a change of positions within the same vehicle. It also is not triggered by the moveInX commands.
Passed array: [unit, position, enterer]
Triggered when a unit gets out from the object, works the same way as GetIn.
Triggered when the unit is hit/damaged.
Is not
always triggered when unit is killed by a hit. Most of the time only the killed event handler is triggered when a unit dies from a hit. The hit EH will not necessarily fire if only minor damage occurred (e.g. firing a bullet at a tank), even though the damage increased.
Passed array: [unit, causedBy, damage]
Triggered on mission start or when a vehicle is created on the fly using createVehicle. It is also triggered for a unit when that unit exits (disembarks) a vehicle.
Passed array: [unit]
Triggered when a guided missile or an unguided missile which most likely will hit is fired on the unit.
Passed array: [unit, ammo, whoFired]
Triggered when the unit is killed.
Passed array: [unit, killer]
Triggered when a plane (AI or player) touches the ground.
Probably local, needs testing.
Passed array: [plane, airportID]