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PMC Editing Wiki
Welcome to the PMC Editing Wiki.
You are looking one of a kind wiki at the moment, as nowhere else you can find a editing page dedicated to the newbie to hardcore editing / development guys around on the Armed Assault (ArmA), Falcon 4.0 and Operation Flashpoint (OFP) in the web, as you do here. It is our goal to make this place the one stop location for editing everything in these three titles.
Want to contribute?
If you want to contribute to this wiki, please register as user and we will grant you access to edit the pages. No-one can edit without login and granted access. We are hardcore developers with oldschool mind thinking there is no need for joe user (spammers or users otherwise with malicious intend) to take over this wiki. We want this to be friendly place with the data intact at all times.
Cant find data?
Personally I have found wiki's to be difficult to use since the data is dispersed on such an wide area without a clear index. Well it was my goal to keep the data very easily readable in this wiki and I know about the limitations of Search feature. Therefore I try to keep all title categories very well organized that what ever it is you're looking for it should be found clearly on the proper category (mission, tools, textures etc).
We have three “namespaces” here and those are “arma”, “falcon4” and “ofp”. What it means that under falcon4 and ofp you can have identical “tools” namespace page, only thing is different that the name is “falcon4:tools” or “ofp:tools”. I find this very enjoyable to work with.