
ArmA 3 Gunship Helicopters Survival

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ArmA 3 CUP AH-1 Cobra gunships survivability against enemy tanks and APCs with autocannons etc. I had a problem with a mission where two ah1 cobras got shot down by russian armed vehicles, this was not intended. Fix was to use flyInHeightASL[] command.

You have two helicopters, in mission editor name them “pmc_ah1_antitank”, and “pmc_ah1_multirole”, choose your own addon tag of course, in this example I'm using ours.


	_x flyInHeightASL [300, 500, 500];
} forEach [pmc_ah1_antitank, pmc_ah1_multirole];

And your AH-1Z cobra gunships survive just fine, they were the dynamic load-out using anti tank and multi role drop-down menu. Both day and night gunships survive just fine against one T72 and several softer vehicles armed with machine guns.

This was in a city so buildings could have blocked line of sight in some cases, not that it ever saved either ground or air unit of incoming fire, in general.

arma3/missions/gunship-helicopter-survival.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/02 15:52 by snakeman

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