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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

Select Too Many Objects

Quirks Of Terrain Builder, Today's Episode: Too Many Objects

When you select a very large number of objects, de-selecting them becomes a problem as it takes a really long time. When I selected 3.7 million objects in Default layer and then de-selected them (clicking empty spot in scene view) terrain builder was in frozen state for over two hours before I had enough and just killed terrain builder process.

Do not select huge number of objects at once.

Overall advice, if you have a large terrain with huge number of objects in a single layer which is visible, do not hit CTRL-A in the scene view, you might make terrain builder freeze up.

This is just one of those terrain builder things you have to learn to live with, it sucks but once you accept that this is terrain builder behavior, well, at least you wont make it lock up anymore by selecting too many objects.

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/select-too-many-objects.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 14:28 by snakeman