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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

Objects Count Check

How to check objects count means number of objects in your Terrain Builder project.

Go to Terrain Builder layers manager and select objects tab, then RMB click layer which has your objects and choose Show info. This dialog shows you how many objects that layer contains. There is no “count all objects” feature to my knowledge, so you have to repeat this to every object layer and count totals yourself.

Second method is to save export your terrain to WRP in which time terrain builder shows statistics of the save, including objects count.

Third method is that if you already have WRP saved, you could use Eliteness open it and it shows you the object count. However this works only if your WRP is exported recently and obviously have Eliteness installed.

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/objects-count-check.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 09:35 by snakeman