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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

Heightmap Size Tiny

What is the smallest ie the most Tiny Heightmap Grid you can do with Terrain Builder?

Terrain Builder can only do 16 x 16 grid heightmap, if you import PEW with 8 x 8 grid it will show blank drop-down for the heightmap size selection. This is for those ArmA 2 ported terrains where Visitor 3 could do 8 x 8 grid heightmaps.

So practical specification would be heightmap grid 16 x 16 with 5 meter cell size, this is whopping 80 x 80 meters (0.08 km) terrain size.

No idea how small terrain you can really do, I've heard horror stories about using 2 meter cell size, so dunno.

But this is all pretty much a joke, who in their right mind would want to make such a kiddie terrain in the first place. Maybe some april fools joke but man, use your time to something more productive than that ;)

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/heightmap-size-tiny.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 18:00 by snakeman