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DePew is a simple application which analyses PEW files, exports/imports objects and deletes objects/templates.

Formats supported range from Pose57(elite) thru to Pose60 (a2)


DePew [-option(s) [import.txt]] Anyfile[.pew]	[export.txt]


none: simply analyse the pew to verify it's integrity.
-LO: list all objects
-LT: list all templates
-DO[Y]: delete all objects
-DT[Y]: delete all templates (and objects)
-I[Y]: import objects (and build templates where necessary)
-Y: don't prompt for ask.
-E: export objects in Visitor 3 script format.
-EX: ehnhanced eXport (includes relative height info)
-T: will create a copy of the pewfile, using the dll's internals, and then checks it for errors.
this is a confidence test of the dll, not, the pew
-P: pause on completion
-R: Reduce object memory (by deleting unused)

Export syntax:

DePew -E[X] SomePew export.txt

Import Syntax:

DePew -I import.txt SomePew

Import works with all known forms of Visitor 3 export syntax. Specifically

one object per line

FileName<separator>X<separator>Y<separator>Z[<Separator>Degrees]<optional separator>

<separator> can be ; , | or space. Spaces if used in a file name must (obviously) be enclosed in quotes

Requires DePbo.dll - Check Mikero tools homepage in Dev-Heaven.

arma2/tools/depew.1343894092.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012-08-02 07:54 by snakeman