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Falcon 4 DEM2L2

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Falcon 4 DEM2L2 by Miran “Warlord” Klemenc

This util was the first Spherical DEM data converter released, this was the early days of terrain editing. It was very slow, drainage data for western russia would be loading for 18 hours and more. There were some crashes, but still we managed to work with it to create nice looking spherical terrains.

Only few screenshots are floating around: www.pmctactical.org_f4_images_thr_tut-04.jpg



October 23rd, 2001 Miran Klemenc requested us to remove the theater from public distribution as he does not want it to he spread into F4UT and commercial use of G2i.


If you suspect that the path names get too long, install it in… like c:\dem2l\ or similar.

If you got crashes and the name was with spaces, change the .hdr file to read file_title = mydata

falcon4/tools/dem2l2.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/31 10:06 by snakeman

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