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Falcon 4 ATAP

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ATAP - Automatic Tile Area Placer (ATAP) v1.1 by Phoenix711

This tool creates areas of your liking, into the existing terrain. Just create the config file using tile numbers and placement, and you're good to go.

Theorically, it should work for 128 terrains too, but I couldn't test this.

There are two example configs coming with this tool. Examine them please. Here's the result pictures for config files 1 and 2. In the second picture, a skip ratio of 5/1 is used. That means, for every placement, we skipped 5 areas appropriate after.

Be awared that, the pictures are from Aegean terrain, so looks different. But you get the idea I suppose.

Put your O2 file together with your L2 file before using it.

Download ATAP_v1.1.rar from Falcon.4.0.Tools.2024-03-19/ Torrent Magnet:

falcon4/tools/atap.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/31 09:57 by snakeman

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