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ArmA 3 Terrain Processor

Road Elevation Smoothing

Terrain Processor Heightmap: Road integration aka road elevation smoothing.

Does Terrain Processor (TP) place your smoothed out roads 500m below ground? Shape files must be within Terrain Builder Mapframe coordinates before using TP to flatten the road surfaces or you will end up with super deep valleys carved into your terrain heightmap on the far edges of the terrain. This only happens at the edge, like maybe few hundred meters from the edge.

If your road smoothing will carve almost tunnel like pathway to the terrain even though it is not even that steep, you can fix it by increasing Road Maximal Slope.

If you have problems loading terrain builder exported road shape files, try loading and saving them in Global Mapper (or QGIS?) first. Although this has not been a problem for me lately, I cannot remember when my roads.shp didn't load nicely into terrain processor.

Road Type

If you want TP to handle different road types with different width values, you should separate your wide and narrow roads at terrain builder and export the shape files individually so you can use individual tasks in terrain processor.

Using the DBF to handle polyline widths is not recommended.

arma3/terrain/terrain-processor/road-elevation-smoothing.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 21:36 by snakeman