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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

Shape Files

Terrain Builder Shape Files, what are they used for? Polygon shapes are used for example to place objects either directly from terrain builder built-in tools or using Terrain Processor or other external tool, polyline shapes are used for roads.

File extension for Terrain Builder Shape Files is .TV4S

Shape files are stored in this directory:


You can copy these shape files between your terrain builder projects just by copying the files to another projects directory. Of course the shapes must fit into the copied projects dimensions otherwise it wont work. Also there is perhaps very little use to copy them over, but its good knowledge if you happen to have the need for that.

If you delete your shape layers and after restarting terrain builder they are back, then you can fix this by going to shapes directory and deleting the .tv4s files which you want to be gone.

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/shape-files.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 10:16 by snakeman