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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

Invalid Triangulation Polygon

Terrain Builder Errors are always fun to decipher, luckily I have collected intel on many of them through personal experience.

CPolygonalArea::UpdateGeometry() - Skipped shape: invalid triangulation (triangle 1.6 fails). (polygon_18)

You can fix this error in Global Mapper by just loading and saving the shape file, or in Terrain Builder by using menu shapes → find by name, then select the polygon in the error, use action drop-down of “show and select”, click OK, then the polygon in question is selected now just hit delete key to delete it.

Definition for bad polygon; can for example be one where lines between vertices cross at some point.

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/invalid-triangulation-polygon.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 14:51 by snakeman