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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

Import Satellite Images

When you have multiple Terrain Builder Satellite Texture / Mask Images to import, for example if you split them into tiles, you can import multiple at one go by holding SHIFT-LMB and selecting all the BMP satellite texture or mask images.

Remember that if both textures and mask images are in the same dir (as they usually should be?), don't just hit CTRL-A to select all files, only select what you are importing, you have to import satellite texture and satellite mask separately, so know what type you're importing.

When you Import Satellite Texture, it will delete the existing PNG image files in layers/ directory. Previously in ArmA 2 Visitor 3 did not delete nothing, in fact it skipped the PNG's if they existed and only created those that were missing (or broken). This is the reason I'll delete layers\ files manually, I want to decide what gets deleted and when.

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/import-satellite-images.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 16:06 by snakeman