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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

Heightmap Vertice Selection With Shape

Terrain Builder can select terrain heightmap vertices contained in a shape file area.

Draw a shape, RMB click it and choose select contained terrain vertices.

Do not create very large shape because selecting the vertices in that contained area takes forever. Yeah I guess it takes the same time to select four different smaller shapes one by one than one huge, but terrain builder is on “Not Responding” mode when it selects those so if you can avoid extensive time being like this, its worth doing. Besides its a bit easier to create and manage smaller shapes than one gigantic one.

See also shape vertice selection works only once per terrain builder start.

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/heightmap-vertice-selection-with-shape.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 14:56 by snakeman