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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

File Format Objects Export

ArmA 3 File Formats

Terrain builder object export / import text file format:


1 - P3D/Template Library name
2 - X coordinate
3 - Y coordinate
4 - Yaw (ie rotation)
5 - Pitch
6 - Roll
7 - Scale
8 - Elevation

Terrain Processor uses directX transform matrix:

-0.296639    0    1.052037    0    1.093059    0    -1.052037    0    -0.296639    215834.627782    0    50739.795978    0    t_prunuss2s_ep1
end objects

Incomplete stub:

1 - unknown
2 - unknown
3 - unknown
4 - unknown
5 - unknown
6 - unknown
7 - unknown
8 - unknown
9 - unknown
10 - this smells like "northing" coordinate
11 - unknown
12 - this smells like "easting" coordinate
13 - unknown
14 - object P3D name, no extension, no directory path

PMCTODO one day I should decipher that transform matrix, might come in handy to write a C++ tool to read/write terrain processor .LBT object export files.

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/file-format-objects-export.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 14:44 by snakeman