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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

Export Shapes as Images

Terrain Builder has a feature in the export menu that lets you export shapes as imagery. If you select all the shapes / polylines you desire to have painted into your masks, assign them a surface material and then go to the “Export Shapes as Imagery” option in the menu it will export them as an image (using the color defined for that surface type) that you can use to overlay onto your other masks, to aid in painting those.

To assign surface material, use RMB on the shapes layer to bring up the material list.

Go to layers manager → shapes tab, RMB layer you want to export and select surface type (class names come from layers.cfg).

File → export → shapes to imagery, tick export PNG and browse to a file, tick crop by active mapframe, click OK to export.

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/export-shapes-as-images.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 10:49 by snakeman