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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

Buldozer Save Heightmap Edits

How to save your edits from Terrain Builder Buldozer into the actual heightmap so that they are not lost.

When you make changes in buldozer don't use “rebuild terrain” as it will rebuild the terrain from your source heightfield and you will lose the changes you did in buldozer, you only need to save project and export WRP.

File → export → terrain, which saves to ASC, then you import the ASC right back in and mapframe properties → processing → rebuild terrain.

Now your buldozer edits are saved to your heightmap .ASC file for good. It is important to note that if you rebuild terrain after editing with buldozer without the export phase, you lose all the edits so be careful with that.

arma3/terrain/terrain-builder/buldozer-save-heightmap-edits.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/04 16:20 by snakeman