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ArmA 3 Scripting bis_fnc_taskDefend

Mission Making taskDefend


However I only tested this on with one mission and there few units sat down on the ground where the group started and rest walked in safe mode to the given location and then just stood there, I don't get it?

or CBA_A3 cba_fnc_taskdefend but I don't like to use whole CBA addon just for one function except with CUP this is already required addon so no problem using it. But with VTE as we don't yet have XEH requirement I would hate to use CBA as mentioned.

[pmc_1, [(leader group this)]] call CBA_fnc_moduleDefend;

After testing CBA module defend I found it to be lacking, all it did was to create 5 search and destroy waypoints randomly, huh what?

So I proceeded and made my own script so I don't have to rely on external stuff let alone addon. See Github PMC_DefendLocation.sqf.

If you know better defend location or patrol scripts, please let me know as those are always in great demand.

Feel free to ask questions or provide feedback at PMC Tactical Forum "ArmA 3 Scripting bis_fnc_taskDefend" topic, would love to hear from you.

arma3/scripting/bis_fnc_taskdefend.txt · Last modified: 2024-08-02 16:14 by snakeman

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