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ArmA 3 Campaign Mission Directory Name Standard

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ArmA 3 Campaign Mission Directory Name Standard, meaning the mission dir name inside campaign dir, this has nothing to do with the so called multiplayer mission dir name standard some people have mentioned where illegal characters like @ and others are used to prefix file names for easier sorting (not to mention some newbies use spaces in file names), these are not the same thing, this page only focuses on campaign dirs.

See also PMC Tactical Forum: ArmA 3 Campaign Hub.

PMC Powder Bat Campaign I think was the first one to use mission directory name standard of m001, m002, m003 etc when designating them on my local notes todo task web page, directories actually were done properly. This allows 999 missions in this specific dir naming, it is probably three times the amount of any sane campaign would need. Meaning m999 is three digits while m1000 would be four then breaking the format, so far I haven't seen ofp/arma campaign with 1000 missions.

PMC Powder Bat campaign also used proper mission names in general and those were also created as mission directories.

PMC Distant Freedom campaign uses df_001 directory names where the “df_” means Distant Freedom, ie prefix. PMC Joint Justice “snake_ff_001_mission_name” as it has not been renamed properly yet.

PMC Brave Hammer got dir names renamed to m001 style in spring of 2022.


Consideration for the campaign mission directory name standard, its not nice to see this type of names:

ArmA 3 RPT log file:

 3:28:19 Starting mission:
 3:28:19  Mission file: m001
 3:28:19  Mission world: enoch
 3:28:19  Mission directory: Campaigns\pmc_livonia_ninjas\missions\m001.enoch\

“1” doesn't tell you much about the mission name, assuming it has a real name of course, guess if “m001” is its name even on briefingName then its fine of course.


When users bug reporting that specific mission doesn't work etc, they see the proper name in-game ArmA 3, if they look RPT they see the dir name, which could be m001 style or the actual mission name as dir. In such cases m001 might cause some confusion as its not really the mission name.

The issue becomes on mission editor, m001 style is extremely easy to sort, browse and find a specific mission. However you still would have to translate on the fly “mission name” in-game to “m001” dir name :)

Ideal situation would be to have larger mission editor GUI setup, its now very narrow and claustrophobic to browse mission directories.

BTW regarding mission editor “eden” GUI size, it doesn't matter if you change ArmA 3 video display settings user interface size, small, normal, large, the mission editor GUI just scales keeping the claustrophobic binocular style narrow mission dir browser. This is not nice.

arma3/missions/campaign-mission-directory-name-standard.txt · Last modified: 2024-07-25 06:00 by snakeman

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