This is an old revision of the document!
Terrain's in ArmA, as the engine is so great now we decided to generalize and call this section terrain instead of islands. You can still use WrpTool to edit ArmA WRP files, but all its ODOL format p3d files will cause “vertexInfo” error, you can skip these errors by just pressing the OK button or Space Bar.
Read initial information at PMC WRP Tutorial.
PMC provided the community with Empty WRP files for 102km and 204km sizes. We also released the PMC WRP Demo terrains which include 51km, 102km, 204km terrains as well as Mogadishu city terrain and Oceanworld map.
The big list of OFP objects in ArmA which helps you on island porting.
Object alignment heights here.
New WRP texture system: Layered Terrain Surface
Visitor 3 comref by Master85
Visitor 3 Quick Tutorial by Opteryx
Global Mapper Tutorial by Opteryx
Default object descriptions, looking the name for guard tower or dumbster? maybe this list helps.
How to extrude terrain to infinity?