Creating Photorealistic Tiles

Tutorial by Joe Labrada(?) in PMC Tactical forums.

Translated by Nomis of the 72nd VFW

Manual for the creation of ample photorealistic regions

- look for coordinates of latitude and length in degrees in:

- Yahoo Satellite maps to downloader 5.19

- put coordinates.

- Download with zoom lens 3

- Combine images.

- Photoshop: In bigmap fused(?) you must resize the image in percentage to 88% with paint Shop Pro and keep in jpg to save space. KEEP

- Verify size image: note: for smaller cities you can work directly with the whole bigmap if it´s allowed to you to open it with image cute. to do that when adapting the frame, look for the smaller possible image which is a multiple of 512 but with an even number of textures in both axes in case you want to divide it in 4 pieces.

- Photoshop: resize frame: 13312×1312 (multiple of 512): we divide the image in four so that image cute can manage it: bigmap11, bigmap12 bigmap21 bigmap22 - paint white the zones that do not interest.

- create enmeshes of 512×512 to visualize and to select

- select 13×13 quadrants (divide in four 13×13 superquadrants)

- select and copy

- create new document: 6656×6656. fit with maximum zoom and keep the four superquadrantes 6656×6656 (bimap 11, bigmap12, bigmap21 bigmap22)

- reduce bigmap.jpg to 2000×2000

- Paint Shop Pro:

- take bigmap2000x2000 - reduce to 256 colors export pallete

- Import pallete in xhtile.pcx to “01-Runtiles.v1.1 PALLETE OF the H TEXTURES”;

Image Cut Ver1.5:

- Import background: Open the superquadrant 6656×6656 with ImageCut

- splitter: delete all spliters

- add gridd: 13×13

- Split. Verify that they leave the textures 512.

- Save (choose folder where you´ll save it)

- Repeat the process with the four superquadrants (when you open the new one do not to save the previous one)

- ACDSEE: erase blank textures. if you´re doubt, check with iMage cute which quadrants are left to erase. Check numeration.

- multi-rename with ACDSEE (8 letters or numbers): H ?? XX### (the H for the texture H, being ?? the abbreviated names of the city, XX the code of the superquadrant from which it came (11,12,21,22) and 000 the numeration, EP: HBC11###). We match the filenames according to the bigmap they came from.

- Total image to converter: massive conversion to PCX

- Paint Shop Pro: edition of transition textures, coasts if any, etc. verify with Terrainview what is the predominant terrain in the transictioning zone.

- APPLY 01-Runtiles.v1.1 PALLETE OF TEXTURES H (we need to have xhtile.pcx with the Palette already imported). runtiles.bat:

@echo off
Md htiles
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy -fxhtile.pcx -p -Xb512 -Yb 512 %x htiles\%x

- Path maker:

- modify Texture.bin: Insert sets of textures with the newly created textures (16 in 16)

- Edit sea, paths, etc.

- Insert textures in the folder of terrainview-textures

- replace land textures manually.

Terrain View

APPLY 02-Runtiles.v1.1BUILD REST OF the GAME of textures. (xfartiles.pcx is used) runtiles.bat:

@echo off
md mtiles
md ltiles
md ttiles
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy ---f -p -Xb256 -Yb256 %x mtiles\%x
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy ---f -p -Xb128 -Yb128 %x ltiles\%x
for %x in (h*.pcx) do alchemy -fxfartile.pcx -p -Xb16 -Yb16 %x ttiles\%x
cd mtiles
ren h*.pcx m*.pcx
move m*.pcx ..
cd ../ltiles
ren h*.pcx l*.pcx
move l*.pcx ..
cd ../ttiles
ren h*.pcx t*.pcx
move t*.pcx ..
cd ..
rd mtiles
rd ltiles
rd ttiles

- Winrar: Insert textures into (without compression)

- SPTinstall: build terrain

- Tacedit: Validate airport situation(?).