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Falcon 4 Lstupdate by Malc
This program edits the theater.lst file in the current active F4 or AF directory. It also neatly cleans the theater.lst for unnecessary empty spaces. Maintains the upper/lower case on the lines.
Usage is very simple.
..\lstupdate.exe [AF|F4] [+|-]description
Describe the line to add or remove, e.g. panama\definitions\panama.tdf
If there is end of line right after the line, ie no linefeed, then lstupdate util will write the added theater entry right there after the last character.
The correct output would be like this:
terrdata\theaterdefinition\Korea.tdf terrdata\theaterdefinition\Korea2005.tdf terrdata\theaterdefinition\Korea2010.tdf terrdata\theaterdefinition\Balkans.tdf terrdata\theaterdefinition\Balkans2005.tdf terrdata\theaterdefinition\Balkans2010.tdf # PMC theaters Theaters\Europe\europe1.tdf Theaters\Europe\europe2.tdf Theaters\Nevada\Nevada1.tdf Theaters\Nevada\Nevada2.tdf Theaters\Nevada\Nevada3.tdf Theaters\Nevada\Nevada4.tdf Theaters\Vietnam\Vietnam1.tdf Theaters\Vietnam\Vietnam2.tdf
Check PMC Tactical forums official release topic.
Download lstupdate_v1.0.2.2.rar - 12kb. PMCTODO download missing!?