arma3 GDT, MCO uvTransform

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Ground Detail Texture (GDT) and satellite layers RVMAT uvTransform to increase or decrease the tiling size of GDT's and MCO.


Snake Man: ok, well can you sum it up like what does uvtransform mean for GDT, why would I use it?
Opteryx: well take a look at your GDT on mongolia, they're HUGE, if you increase the uvtransform values for class TexGen1 and class TexGen2 the GDT diffuse and nopx gets scaled down, class TexGen0 is mco and can only be edited in the layers rvmats because it's not present in the GDT/data rvmats
Snake Man: does GDT uvtransform size increase along with terrain size, like 2km its small and sharp while on 204km its big and blurry?
Opteryx: yep

Snake Man: this is first PMC Mongolia 409km layer rvmat:

class TexGen0
    uvSource = "tex";
    class uvTransform
        aside[] = {1,0,0};
        up[] = {0,1,0};

so you want the value 1 be changed to 40 on all of the _data_layers rvmat's?
Opteryx: yeah, but for texgen1 and texgen2, not sure what the idea value would be ideal for texgen0 which is the mco
Opteryx: guess you're gonna have to test a few different values and see what works the best

At the end PMC Mongolia 409km terrain uses value 50:

class TexGen1
	uvSource = "tex";
	class uvTransform
		aside[] = {50,0,0};
		up[] = {0,50,0};
		dir[] = {0,0,10};
		pos[] = {0,0,0};
class TexGen2
	uvSource = "tex";
	class uvTransform
		aside[] = {50,0,0};
		up[] = {0,50,0};
		dir[] = {0,0,10};
		pos[] = {0,0,0};