ArmA 3 Terrain Processor

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Searching for Settings

Terrain Processor project Testing and Searching for Settings

In order to find project settings that are suitable for your shape files / terrain, you should always start with hectare density 1. This way it doesn't take long time to generate the objects so if there are problem with later task or something like this, it wont take long for you to discover it.

Also the object list you selected is quick to tweak with very small project generation time. Generate, check, and do it all over again. If you have huge project that takes half an hour to generate, its no fun going back and forth with that kind of waiting time.

You can take the hectare density 1 generated objects number and double it for every time you increase the value by one. Like if you get 1000 objects with value 1, then you should expect to get 2000 objects with 2 etc.