ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder, ArmA 3 Terrain Builder Support Forum

Import - Zone of Imported Data

Terrain Builder Error: Import - Zone of Imported Data

Importing terrain heightmap ASC source. If you get error:

Import - Zone of imported data was not detected. Data cannot be imported.

It probably means that you have heightmap PRJ file with wrong UTM zone, I believe it can be fixed by simply deleting the .PRJ file (not sure about this, if you have more accurate info, please share. PMCTODO).

Import - Zone of imported data is too far from the project reference zone. Data cannot be imported.

Happens when your heightmap ASC header xllcorner / yllcorner values are far off from 200,000 / 0 which is required by Terrain Builder.