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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

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Heightmap Elevation Editing

You can edit heightmap / elevations either from buldozer or Terrain Builder, this guide is for terrain builder use.

Click “crossed hammers” icon / button in main tool bar or choose terrain → edit terrain from the menu.

Now you see terrain properties dialog and heightmap (grid) dots in your terrain. Remember to zoom in close so you can see the real individual elevation grid points instead of their “displayed sum”.

Select Elevation Point(s)

Select Elevation Point(s)

Use LMB drag a box around the elevation point(s) you want to edit. If you chose only one you can edit it directly, or if you chose multiple you can edit all of them at once, but be careful when editing multiple elevation points.

Set Elevation

Set Elevation

To set elevation for specific value, like leveling out airfield or other surface which must be totally even, use “user elevation” property.

Select elevation points, then use terrain properties → action → user elevation, set the elevation value you want to use and click OK.

Updating Scene View

Updating Scene View / Properties

Scene view or terrain properties does not automatically update when you edit elevations. You have to de-select and select the edit terrain crossed hammers icon / button to update (it keeps the elevation point selections oddly enough).

Heightmap View

Heightmap View

Elevation of -0.42 still shown as green (land).

Elevation of -0.84 shown as blue (water).

External Elevation Editing Tools

L3DT is excellent heightmap editing tool, most people should edit elevations in L3DT unless it requires a very high precision editing.

Wilbur is old school terrain heightmap editing tool which includes excellent erosion tools, back in the OFP WrpTool days most terrains were made free hand pencil painting method in Wilbur, ah the good old times.