ArmA 3 Terrain Builder

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ArmA 3 Terrain Builder, ArmA 3 Terrain Builder Support Forum

Freezes And Stutter

Terrain Builder Stuttering And Sometimes Freezes. HOWTO Improve Performance

With large projects you can get heavy stutter and freezes. While this is no solution to the problem because its kind of chicken and the egg syndrome… but if you disable views like mapframe, terrain elevations, objects view, satellite… you prevent all the stutters and freezes.

But like said, its not a real solution because if you disable / hide all views, how can you edit anything!? hehe.

However this is important to know for example if you edit only objects and don't need for example satellite image layers, then of course you should disable / hide those to free up resources. Or perhaps you mass place objects with terrain processor and import those, then its good to have all views disabled.

In fact its essential to disable/hide objects view while importing (large amounts of) objects from Terrain Processor .LBT or other external import files, terrain builder clearly struggles if objects view is turned on while importing objects.

Before you exit Terrain Builder, always remember to disable/hide all views as explained above because the next time you launch terrain builder and open your project it loads into very sluggish environment if these views are on. (PMCTODO cant remember 100% sure but when you launch terrain builder and project is not loaded, the object/satellite etc view buttons are not available until that project is loaded, in which point of course its too late to turn anything off).