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OFP Vehicles Tank

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Operation Flashpoint (OFP) aka ArmA: Cold War Assault (CWA)

Tanks have tracks that are called on selections “kolL” which is left side, and “kolP” which is right side. pasoffsetL and kolL needs to be User: 53 and pasoffsetP and kolP needs to be User: 54 on the Face Properties.

Otochlaven is User: 52. Otocvelitele need to be User: 51.

Select the Hull and make a named selection called “hull”. User: 50
Select the turret, and make a named selection called “turet”. User: 51
Select the gun, and make a named selection called “gun”. User: 52
Select the left track and make a named selection called “pasL”. User: 53
Select the right track and make a named selection called “pasP”. User: 54
Select the engine hit area and make a named selection called “engine”. User: 60

OtocHlaven is gun + machine gun barrel + muzzle flash.
Otocvelitele is commander's hatch + his proxy.
OtocVez is gun barrels, turret, commanders hatch and gunner / commander proxies.

bis M1A1

Otochavlen (turret, barrel and zashleh) User: 52
Otocvelitele (commander hatch, proxy) User: 51
OtocVez (turret, barrel, zashleh, top of tank, proxys)
Zashleh User: 52, Lighting: Shining.

bis M2A2

Otochavlen (turret, barrel and zashleh) User: 51
Otocvelitele there is none.
OtocVez (turret, barrel, zashleh, top of tank, proxys)
Zashleh User: 51, Lighting: Shining.

ofp/modeling/vehicle_tank.txt · Last modified: 2024/07/31 16:29 by snakeman

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