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ArmA and OFP related.

Number Type

Description: A real number, i.e. 1, -25, 6.52, 1805.6352


Degrees are a poetic license used to indicate a number returned from functions like acos and asin

It's special properties are that it will always supply a value from 0 to 360.


Another poetic license for a Number. Used in angular math computations with commands like rad and deg.

Scripting vs Addons

Integers and Floats

Note that unlike config.cpp (addons), a Number in scripting language is ANY numeric entity. Floats, or integers. It is NOT the same as a config Integer or Float. Number covers both types.


Note also, unlike config.cpp, Boolean is a real type in scripting language. In addons, it is a poetic license for a zero/non zero Integer.

number.1243913907.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009-06-02 03:38 (external edit)