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ArmA 3 ExportNoGrid
Cheat command Topography is the old ArmA 2 method which prints out map grid, and ExportNoGrid is new ArmA 3 command without the grid, use exportnogrid.
- start old 2D editor by clicking mission editor window, select terrain name (don't load it), and then press CTRL-O
- press SHIFT and keypad MINUS key (SHIFT and -), then type topography or exportnogrid
If everything went well an C:\terrainname.emf file was created. If you used exportnogrid command then “Terrainname_nogrid.emf” is created.
File size reference: Altis_nogrid.emf is 70.1mb, Stratis_nogrid.emf is 40.8mb and Tanoa_nogrid.emf is 58.4mb.
Below are small preview 1024 x 1024 PNG images from bis terrains.
arma3/exportnogrid.1628685178.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/08/11 12:32 by snakeman