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Batch File Examples
This is under arma3 namespace but there are various batch file examples which suit all arma games or even generic tasks that has nothing to do with arma.
PMC MoveObject Setup
Here we show you how to change paths into model P3D, material RVMAT and terrain PEW / WRP files using Mikero Tools MoveObject.
Main concept is these files.
- _MASTER_paths.txt
- _run_update_FILETYPE_list.bat
- _run_moveobject.bat
- _run_moveobject_log.bat
_MASTER_paths.txt contains the moveobject replacement “source destination” list (refer to moveobject documentation for proper format etc).
_run_update_FILETYPE_list.bat is to update file type list, this basically depends on which directory you are, if you're doing models then you use P3D bat, if you do rvmat's in Data\ directory, then you use rvmat bat and you guessed it, if you do terrains then you use PEW / WRP bat.
_run_moveobject_log.bat file creates text file log out of the p3d/rvmat/pew/wrp file content regarding textures, proxys etc. This log file is useful to track down what your file contains. Also note that often times it grows very large, so use proper text editor to open it and be very careful if you perform some search & replace etc operations to log file sized in 50+ megabytes.
_run_moveobject.bat is the actual moveobject executing bat which runs the program using master paths text as config and after its done it runs log file creation.
How it works?
- run the _run_update_<filetype>_list.bat file to list all the filetype files in your directory.
- create proper _MASTER_paths.txt of the replacements you want to make
- run _run_moveobject.bat to execute
- inspect _log.txt file for results
P3D Files
@echo off for /F %%i in (_p3d_list.txt) do ( \tools\mikero\moveobject %%i _MASTER_paths.txt >>_log.txt ) if exist *.old.p3d del *.old.p3d call _run_moveobject_log.bat pause exit
@echo off del _log.txt for /F %%i in (_p3d_list.txt) do (\tools\mikero\moveobject -L "%%i" >>_log.txt)
dir *.p3d /o /b >_p3d_list.txt
@echo off for /F %%i in (_rvmat_list.txt) do ( \tools\mikero\moveobject %%i _MASTER_paths.txt >>_log.txt ) call _run_moveobject_log.bat if exist *.old.rvmat del *.old.rvmat pause exit
@echo off del _log.txt for /F %%i in (_rvmat_list.txt) do (\tools\mikero\moveobject -L "%%i" >>_log.txt)
dir *.rvmat /o /b >_rvmat_list.txt
PEW / WRP Files
@echo off for /F %%i in (_pew_list.txt) do ( \tools\mikero\moveobject %%i _MASTER_paths.txt >>_log.txt ) if exist *.old.pew del *.old.pew call _run_moveobject_log.bat pause exit
if exist _log.txt del _log.txt for /F %%i in (_pew_list.txt) do (\tools\mikero\moveobject -L "%%i" >>_log.txt)
dir *.pew /o /b >_pew_list.txt
Hopefully you already know how to switch from PEW to WRP file use.
ArmA 2 Binarize CMD Line
How to use bis binpbo to binarize using command line. This assumes you have text file list of all your addons to be binarized, here its named “pmc_ags_build_temp.txt”.
@echo off set BINPBOPATH="C:\armatools\BinPBO\BinPBO.exe" set TEMPPATH="C:\temp" set DESTINATION="c:\arma2Projects\ags_build\addons" for /F %%i in (pmc_ags_build_temp.txt) do ( %BINPBOPATH% "P:\pmc\%%i" %DESTINATION% -BINARIZE -DEBUG -TEMP %TEMPPATH% -INCLUDE "c:\armatools\Binarize_Includes.txt" -PROJECT "P:\pmc" -PREFIX pmc\%%i ) pause exit
List Directories
Generates _list.txt file from directory names in current directory. No extra text / junk shown, just plain directory names.
dir /b /ad >_list.txt
PNG to PAA early version
This is generic PNG to PAA conversion, if you are converting terrain layers\*.png then you should use arma2 terrain howto convert layers png fast or arma3 terrain convert layers png fast
Pal2Pace to run all PNG files in Visitor 3 terrains:
FOR %%i IN (*.png) DO (D:\armatools\texview2\pal2pace %%i)
MoveObject Example 1
MoveObject from PboDll package:
set MOVEOBJECT="T:\pbodll\MoveObject.exe" FOR /F %%i IN (FileList.txt) DO ( FOR /F "tokens=1-5" %%a IN (ReplacePathAwithB.txt) DO ( %MOVEOBJECT% %%i %%a %%b ) )
ExtractPbo Addons Dir
ExtractPbo whole arma2 expansion to p:\
extractpbo c:\arma2\expansion\addons\ p:\
ExtractPbo whole arma2 expansion configs only to p:\
extractpbo -F config.bin c:\arma2\expansion\addons\ p:\
Old style with for loop:
for %%x in (c:\arma2\expansion\addons\*.pbo) do ( extractpbo %%x p:\ )
DeRapify RVMAT
DeRapify rvmat so that you don't have to rename all the .rvmat.txt files?
@echo off md tmp for %%x in (*.bisurf) do (\tools\mikero\derapify %%x tmp\%%x) move tmp\*.bisurf . for %%x in (*.rvmat) do (\tools\mikero\derapify %%x tmp\%%x) move tmp\*.rvmat . rd tmp pause exit
RegExp : RVMATs
Not actually a dos batch file, but hey :)
RegExp how to fix something.rvmat:ca\path\to\texture.paa with just ca\…
Pal2Pace all PAA to TGA / PNG
@echo off MD temp FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=. " %%A in ('dir /b *.paa') do ( D:\armatools\texview2\Pal2PacE %%A.paa temp\%%A.tga if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto err ) rem move stuff to current dir and clean out temp dir. move temp\*.tga . rd temp pause
Similar one found from Mikero's tools called “paxToTga”
dir /b/s/a-h "%1%\*.paa" >listdir.txt dir /b/s/a-h "%1%\*.pac" >>listdir.txt FOR /F "tokens=1* usebackq delims=" %%A in (listdir.txt) do ( echo %%A pal2pace.exe "%%A" "%%A.tga"
Crete config.cpp from List
Create config.cpp or model.cfg from list of P3D names
for /F %%i in (list.txt) do ( echo class Land_%%i: Land_ammostore2 >>new_config.cpp echo { >>new_config.cpp echo displayName = "(building) %%i"; >>new_config.cpp echo model = "\pmc\vte_bis_obj\%%i.p3d"; >>new_config.cpp echo }; >>new_config.cpp ) pause
Same with RegExp for editpadpro:
(.*) ===> class LAND_\1: House { displayName = "\1"; Armor = 10000; destrType="DestructNo"; model = "\x\ofpip\OFPIP\addons\p_bi_cwc_objects\\\1.p3d"; scope = 1; vehicleClass = "OFPIP_Objects"; };
Get Todays Date
Get todays date for example to be used when creating backup archive files with time stamp.
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b echo %year%-%month%-%day%