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3D Modeling in ArmA 2


ArmA 2 modeling page is very much TODO. Sorry.

BIS Sample Models

BIS has released sample model(s), it a soldier model + skeleton. Check out details here.


You can read still valid information about geometry from OFP: Modeling: Geometry LOD page.

Max poly count

Earl BIS Dev: “The important part is to create the different LODS, not so much the higher polycount of the most detailled lod.”

32768 vertices is a hard limit in ArmA – as direct x counts them. O2's points count is not quite the same thing depending on the number of sharp edges you have. I guess it applies to ArmA2 as well. I think its the max size of the vertex buffer. You'll know when you get there since buldozer fails to draw the model.

ArmA soldier ingame ArmA 2

Copy Geometry, Memory, Hit-Points and Fire Geometry LODs from the example soldier.p3d BIS released. It's best to remove the old LODs completely from your model before applying the new ones. Then use the new model.cfg also given by BIS.

For best results you should also copy the hands from soldier.p3d and use the new head as proxy (also found in soldier.p3d). Note that the new head model has only two LODs, 1.000 and 2.000. This means for bigger LODs you'll need to copy the head part from soldier.p3d directly.

You can use config to replace different head for your soldiers.

arma2/modeling.1257492870.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009-11-06 07:34 by snakeman