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User Tools

Site Tools


This is an old revision of the document!

Official Tools

Soo far in end of July 2007 BIS has only released TexView2 tool for ArmA. TexView2 is util to open and save texture images.

Community Tools

You can still use old O2 and WrpTool to edit content. Kegetys released paa plugin for Adobe Photoshop so textures can be edited and saved.

cpbo: Extracts and creates PBO files. Run from windows explorer to associate it with directories and PBO files, after which you can extract PBO files by double clicking, and create PBO files by right clicking a directory. Also can be used from console. The PBO path prefix is saved to and read from a special file called $PBOPREFIX$ in the directory.

unRap: “Decodes” raP encoded files, such as config.bin and rvmat files. Run the exe from windows explorer and select the file(s) you want to decode, or use from console. unRap overwrites all files it needs without asking, so be careful when working with original game files.

Go to Kegetys ArmA homepage for download.

feersum.endjinn released ArmAUnbin and ArmAUnPBO utils.

ArmAUnPBO: Extract single or multiple files from Armed Assault PBO files.

  1. Prefix header is saved into file “$PBOPREFIX$”.
  2. Compressed files are not supported as they are unsupported in ArmA.
  3. If you don't select any files, all files in PBO are extracted.

ArmAUnbin: Converts binarized addon configuration files used in Armed Assault and Operation Flashpoint: Elite to human readable config.cpp format.

Note that with ArmA released only in Czech Republic so far and XboX OFP being bit difficult to mod, resulting files are not fully tested for syntax validity. They are good enough for modding research purposes though.

Check Mikero's OFP and ArmA tools page for Eliteness util.

arma/tools.1183699939.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/07/10 09:52 (external edit)