
Syntax: object saveStatus name


player saveStatus "playerstate";

This command saves the units status, weapons and equipment he carries, his health status and identity (setIdentity: face type and name set previously in description.ext).

More examples:

x = PMC_sf1 saveStatus "sf1_02";
x = PMC_sf2 saveStatus "sf2_02";
x = PMC_sf3 saveStatus "sf3_02";
x = PMC_sf4 saveStatus "sf4_02";


Syntax: object loadStatus name


player loadStatus "playerstate";

This command loads the units status, weapons and equipment he carries, his health status and identity (setIdentity: face type and name set previously in description.ext). However these must have been first saved with the above saveStatus command.

More examples:

PMC_sf1 loadStatus "sf1_02"; PMC_sf1 setdammage 0;
PMC_sf2 loadStatus "sf2_02";
PMC_sf3 loadStatus "sf3_02";
PMC_sf4 loadStatus "sf4_02";

{ if (!alive _x) then { deletevehicle _x }; _x setdammage 0 } foreach [PMC_sf2,PMC_sf3,PMC_sf4];

Notice that there is certain degree of problems if units are damaged in the previous mission, as they start that way in the next one too. Unless the mission specificly is “out in the field” type and not in homebase, you should use the above script to restore the health of the units so they wont start the mission injured.