OFP Importing 3DS to Oxygen 2

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Operation Flashpoint (OFP) aka ArmA: Cold War Assault (CWA)

Converting 3DS Files To O2 Light by Ian Malcolm

Let's start: You have an 3DS Max (3ds) file, now import in from 3DS to P3D.


3ds models have 1:10 scale, so just scale them to 10 times bigger.


Now it's ok, but if you look to Buldozer you see something is not allright.


Yes, the shadows, but we'll repair it. Press CTRL-A (Select all) and that hit F5 to Recalculate Normals and as you see now it looks much better.


And dont forget to use Sharp Edges at the end.


This tutorial was written by Ian Malcolm in status.webz.cz/tutorials/