OFP weaponPool

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Operation Flashpoint (OFP) aka ArmA: Cold War Assault (CWA)

weaponPool is the excellent feature to save weapons into next missions in campaign, it gives player that satisfactory “continuous campaign” feeling that its not just canned missions, but his actions effect the upcoming missions, well at least what weapons he can access.

You activate it by adding the following line into the campaign description.ext:

weaponPool = true;

Then in the first mission you issue the weaponpool commands to fill up the “pool” with magazines and weapons. Its important that you do this on the mentioned first mission as it does not appear to work in the first cutscene.


addMagazinePool ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag",50];
addMagazinePool ["1Rnd_HE_M203",50];
addMagazinePool ["20Rnd_556x45_Stanag",50];
addMagazinePool ["30Rnd_9x19_MP5",50];
addMagazinePool ["200Rnd_556x45_M249",50];
addMagazinePool ["M136",50];
addMagazinePool ["STINGER",50];

addWeaponPool ["M16A2",12];
addWeaponPool ["M4",12];
addWeaponPool ["G36K",12];
addWeaponPool ["MP5A5",12];
addWeaponPool ["M249",12];

If you want to add more weapons into the weaponPool later you can issue these commands again. You can remove weapons by doing the clear commands.

Command Function
addMagazinePool [name,count] add magazines into weaponPool
addWeaponPool [name,count] add weapons into weaponPool
clearMagazinePool clears all magazines from the weaponPool
clearWeaponPool clears all weapons from the weaponPool
queryMagazinePool “MAGAZINETYPE” returns the amount of magazines of this type
queryWeaponPool “WEAPON” returns the amount of weapons of this type
pickWeaponPool obj Transfer weapons and magazines from cargo of object obj into weaponPool
putWeaponPool obj Transfer weapons and magazines from weaponPool
fillWeaponsFromPool person Add magazines from weaponPool to a person (depending on weapons person has)