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falcon4:tools [2007/12/11 16:28] ranger822falcon4:tools [2024/07/31 09:56] (current) – links added. snakeman
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-====== Tools and Utils ======+====== Falcon 4 Tools and Utils ====== 
 +[[|Falcon 4.0 Forum]], [[:falcon4|Falcon 4 Home]], [[falcon4:campaign|Falcon 4 Campaign]], [[falcon4:cockpits|Falcon 4 Cockpits]], [[falcon4:database|Falcon 4 Database]], [[falcon4:file_formats|Falcon 4 File Formats]], [[falcon4:srtm|Falcon 4 SRTM Terrain]], [[falcon4:terrain|Falcon 4 Terrain]], [[falcon4:textures|Falcon 4 Textures]], [[falcon4:tools|Falcon 4 Tools]]
 There are several tools to edit Falcon 4. These are as following: There are several tools to edit Falcon 4. These are as following:
-[[falcon4:tools:bmp2cvs|Bmp2Cvs]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:atap|ATAP]] 
 +Automatic Tile Area Placer
-[[falcon4:tools:cate|CATE]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:bmp2cvs|Bmp2Cvs]] 
 +To edit bitmap and then convert that information to CSV file.
-[[falcon4:tools:csv2tdf|csv2tdf]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:cate|CATE]] 
 +Configurable Auto Tiling Enhancer. This is what you use to auto tile terrains.
-[[falcon4:tools:cockpiteditor|Cockpit Editor]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:csv2tdf|csv2tdf]] 
 +Converts CSV file to TDF file.
-[[falcon4:tools:dem2terrain|Dem2Terrain]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:cockpit2deditor|Cockpit 2D Editor]] 
 +Cockpit 2D Editor by unknown Author.
-[[falcon4:tools:dem2l2|DEM2L2]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:cockpiteditor|Cockpit Editor]] 
 +Cockpit editing tool.
-[[falcon4:tools:f4browse|F4Browse]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:dem2terrain|Dem2Terrain]] 
 +Converts DEM terrain data into L2 file.
-[[falcon4:tools:featuremaker|Feature Maker]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:dem2l2|DEM2L2]] 
 +Older DEM to L2 file converter, obsolete by now.
-[[falcon4:tools:lodeditor|LODEditor]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:f4browse|F4Browse]] 
 +Utility to edit the database.
-[[falcon4:tools:lstupdate|lstupdate]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:f4ptexman|F4Patch TexMan]] 
 +F4Patch TexMan plugin.
-[[falcon4:tools:lxnormalfix|LxNormalFix]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:featuremaker|Feature Maker]] 
 +Makes TDF files.
-[[falcon4:tools:nsis_installer|NSIS Installer]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:lodeditor|LODEditor]] 
 +Edits the 3d models.
-[[falcon4:tools:tacedit|TacEdit]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:lstupdate|lstupdate]] 
 +Updates the theater.lst which lists all theaters.
-[[falcon4:tools:terrainview|Terrainview]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:lxnormalfix|LxNormalFix]] 
 +Fixes the terrain normals (shading/shadows).
-[[falcon4:tools:theatermaker|TheaterMaker]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:nsis_installer|NSIS Installer]] 
 +Open Source installer which PMC (and RV etc) uses.
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:tacedit|TacEdit]]
 +Edits the campaign and tactical engagement files.
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:tacref_editor|Tac Ref Editor]]
 +Tactical Reference editor by Skyfire76.
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:terrainview|Terrainview]]
 +Terrain editor.
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:theatermaker|TheaterMaker]]
 The TheaterMaker Utility is actually a bundled package of several useful tools which include: The TheaterMaker Utility is actually a bundled package of several useful tools which include:
   - ATCUtility / edit the ATC   - ATCUtility / edit the ATC
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   - Witchfix / Converts .wch files to .txt and the other way around.   - Witchfix / Converts .wch files to .txt and the other way around.
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:runtiles|Runtiles]]
 +Batch resizes/creates H tiles into M, L and T tiles.
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:perlscripts|Perl Scripts]]
 +Various small perls scripts to edit several things.
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:seasonswitcher|SeasonSwitcher]]
 +Creates the OF and RV dds terrain tiles.
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:sptinstall|SPTinstall/Tinstall/FFTinstall]] (RedViper / OpenFalcon)
 +Rebuilds the terrain from L2 file.
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:htti|Htti]] (Allied Force)
 +Rebuilds the terrain from L2 file for Allied Force (no old F4 registry).
 +  * [[falcon4:tools:lod_exporter|3DS to LOD Exporter]]
 +Exports 3DS models into Falcon 4 LOD models, by WaveyDave.
-[[falcon4:tools:runtiles|Runtiles]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:lod_to_3ds_converter|LOD to 3DS Converter]] 
 +Converts Falcon 4 LOD models into 3DS models, by Cool Hand.
-[[falcon4:tools:perlscripts|Perl Scripts]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:villageutil|Village util]] obsolete 
 +Village Util is automatic objective placer, now obsolete.
-[[falcon4:tools:seasonswitcher|SeasonSwitcher]]+  * [[falcon4:tools:uirestool|UIResTool]] 
 +User Interface Res file editing and generating tool, by Khronik.
-[[falcon4:tools:sptinstall|SPTinstall\Tinstall/FFTinstall]]+Download Note:\\ 
 +You can download the latest versions for all these from our [[|PMC Tactical Falcon 4 Downloads]] page and join [[|PMC Tactical  Falcon 4 Theater Tools Forum Area]] for discussions.
-You can download the latest versions for all these from our [[|downloads]] page.+Don't forget the generic [[:editing_tools]] list and [[:tools|Tools]] namespace.
-Dont forget the [[:editing_tools]] list. 
falcon4/tools.1197390539.txt.gz · Last modified: 2007/12/11 16:28 (external edit)

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