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arma3:batch-file-examples [2017/01/27 20:51] – added temp dir info. snakemanarma3:batch-file-examples [2024/08/03 11:45] (current) – links added. snakeman
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Batch File Examples ======+====== ArmA 3 Batch File Examples ======
-This is under arma3 namespace but there are various batch file examples which suit all arma games or even generic tasks that has nothing to do with arma.+[[|ArmA 3 Forum]], [[:arma3|ArmA 3]], [[arma3:config|ArmA 3 Config]], [[arma3:missions|ArmA 3 Missions]], [[arma3:modeling|ArmA 3 3D Modeling]], [[arma3:scripting|ArmA 3 Scripting]], [[arma3:terrain|ArmA 3 Terrain]], [[arma3:texturing|ArmA 3 Texturing]], [[arma3:tools|ArmA 3 Tools]] 
 +This is under ArmA 3 namespace but there are various batch file examples which suit all arma games or even generic tasks that has nothing to do with arma.
 ====== PMC MoveObject Setup ====== ====== PMC MoveObject Setup ======
-Here we show you how to change paths into model P3D, material RVMAT and terrain PEW / WRP files using Mikero Tools MoveObject.+Here we show you how to change paths into model P3D, material RVMAT and terrain WRP files using [[arma3:tools:mikero-tools|Mikero Tools]] MoveObject.
 Main concept is these files. Main concept is these files.
Line 16: Line 18:
 _MASTER_paths.txt contains the moveobject replacement "source destination" list (refer to moveobject documentation for proper format etc). _MASTER_paths.txt contains the moveobject replacement "source destination" list (refer to moveobject documentation for proper format etc).
-_run_update_FILETYPE_list.bat is to update file type list, this basically depends on which directory you are, if you're doing models then you use P3D bat, if you do rvmat's in Data\ directory, then you use rvmat bat and you guessed it, if you do terrains then you use PEW / WRP bat.+_run_update_FILETYPE_list.bat is to update file type list, this basically depends on which directory you are, if you're doing models then you use P3D bat, if you do rvmat's in Data\ directory, then you use rvmat bat and you guessed it, if you do terrains then you use WRP bat.
-_run_moveobject_log.bat file creates text file log out of the p3d/rvmat/pew/wrp file content regarding textures, proxys etc. This log file is useful to track down what your file contains. Also note that often times it grows very large, so use [[:editing_tools#text_editing|proper text editor]] to open it and be very careful if you perform some search & replace etc operations to log file sized in 50+ megabytes.+_run_moveobject_log.bat file creates text file log out of the p3d/rvmat/wrp file content regarding textures, proxys etc. This log file is useful to track down what your file contains. Also note that often times it grows very large, so use [[:editing_tools#text_editing|proper text editor]] to open it and be very careful if you perform some search & replace etc operations to log file sized in 50+ megabytes.
 _run_moveobject.bat is the actual moveobject executing bat which runs the program using master paths text as config and after its done it runs log file creation. _run_moveobject.bat is the actual moveobject executing bat which runs the program using master paths text as config and after its done it runs log file creation.
Line 36: Line 38:
 @echo off @echo off
 for /F %%i in (_p3d_list.txt) do ( for /F %%i in (_p3d_list.txt) do (
-\tools\mikero\moveobject %%i _MASTER_paths.txt >>_log.txt+moveobject %%i _MASTER_paths.txt >>_log.txt
 ) )
 if exist *.old.p3d del *.old.p3d if exist *.old.p3d del *.old.p3d
Line 48: Line 50:
 @echo off @echo off
 del _log.txt del _log.txt
-for /F %%i in (_p3d_list.txt) do (\tools\mikero\moveobject -L "%%i" >>_log.txt)+for /F %%i in (_p3d_list.txt) do (moveobject -L "%%i" >>_log.txt)
 </code> </code>
Line 57: Line 59:
 ===== RVMAT Files ===== ===== RVMAT Files =====
 +2019-01-22 Updated for ArmA 3 and Mikeros latest tools with the -P "no pause" option.
 **_run_moveobject.bat** **_run_moveobject.bat**
Line 62: Line 66:
 @echo off @echo off
 for /F %%i in (_rvmat_list.txt) do ( for /F %%i in (_rvmat_list.txt) do (
-\tools\mikero\moveobject %%i _MASTER_paths.txt >>_log.txt+moveobject -P %%i _MASTER_paths.txt >>_log.txt
 ) )
-call _run_moveobject_log.bat 
 if exist *.old.rvmat del *.old.rvmat if exist *.old.rvmat del *.old.rvmat
 pause pause
Line 72: Line 75:
 **_run_moveobject_log.bat** **_run_moveobject_log.bat**
 <code dos> <code dos>
-@echo off +if exist _log.txt del _log.txt 
-del _log.txt +for /F %%i in (_rvmat_list.txt) do (moveobject -P -L "%%i" >>_log.txt)
-for /F %%i in (_rvmat_list.txt) do (\tools\mikero\moveobject -L "%%i" >>_log.txt)+
 </code> </code>
Line 83: Line 85:
-===== PEW / WRP Files =====+===== WRP Files ===== 
 +2019-01-22 Updated for ArmA 3 and Mikeros latest tools with the -P "no pause" option.
 **_run_moveobject.bat** **_run_moveobject.bat**
 <code dos> <code dos>
 @echo off @echo off
-for /F %%i in (_pew_list.txt) do ( +for /F %%i in (_wrp_list.txt) do ( 
-\tools\mikero\moveobject %%i _MASTER_paths.txt >>_log.txt+moveobject -P %%i _MASTER_paths.txt >>_log.txt
 ) )
-if exist *.old.pew del *.old.pew+if exist *.old.wrp del *.old.wrp
 call _run_moveobject_log.bat call _run_moveobject_log.bat
 pause pause
Line 100: Line 104:
 <code dos> <code dos>
 if exist _log.txt del _log.txt if exist _log.txt del _log.txt
-for /F %%i in (_pew_list.txt) do (\tools\mikero\moveobject -L "%%i" >>_log.txt)+for /F %%i in (_wrp_list.txt) do (moveobject -P -L "%%i" >>_log.txt)
 </code> </code>
 <code dos> <code dos>
-dir *.pew /o /b >_pew_list.txt+dir *.wrp /o /b >_wrp_list.txt
 </code> </code>
-Hopefully you already know how to switch from PEW to WRP file use. 
Line 189: Line 191:
 @echo off @echo off
 md tmp md tmp
-for %%x in (*.bisurf) do (\tools\mikero\derapify %%x tmp\%%x)+for %%x in (*.bisurf) do (derapify %%x tmp\%%x)
 move tmp\*.bisurf . move tmp\*.bisurf .
-for %%x in (*.rvmat) do (\tools\mikero\derapify %%x tmp\%%x)+for %%x in (*.rvmat) do (derapify %%x tmp\%%x)
 move tmp\*.rvmat . move tmp\*.rvmat .
 rd tmp rd tmp
Line 233: Line 235:
  echo %%A  echo %%A
  pal2pace.exe "%%A" "%%A.tga"  pal2pace.exe "%%A" "%%A.tga"
 +====== PAA to TGA if tga doesnt exist ======
 +This batch file converts all PAA textures into TGA format using pal2pace.exe if TGA file doesn't already exist in the directory. Remember to change the pal2pace path to one you are using.
 +<code dos>
 +@echo off
 +dir /b *.paa >>_paa_list.txt
 +MD temp
 +FOR /F "tokens=1* delims=. " %%A in (_paa_list.txt) do (
 +if not exist %%A.tga "C:\program files (x86)\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\TexView2\Pal2PacE" %%A.paa temp\%%A.tga
 +if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto MyError
 +rem del *.paa
 +del _paa_list.txt
 +move temp\*.tga .
 +rd temp
 +echo unknown error
 </code> </code>
Line 278: Line 306:
 echo %year%-%month%-%day% echo %year%-%month%-%day%
 </code> </code>
 +====== Resize PAA Command Line ======
 +Resize PAA file from command line.
 +This does all PAA files to 128 x 128 resolution in the current directory:
 +<code dos>
 +for /R %CD% %%i in (*.paa) do (
 +echo %%i
 +"<steam>\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\ImageToPAA\imagetopaa.exe" -size=128 %%i %%i
arma3/batch-file-examples.1485550285.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/01/27 20:51 by snakeman

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